How is Japan’s Defense Force differ from standard Army?


Who will protect them if China invades?

In: Other

4 Answers

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Like other said, there is very little different between the JSDF and other standard armed forces, it’s just that their constitution forbid offensive operation. This is a big reason why Japan isn’t really involved in fight against terrorism all over the world, like most of their western allies. The current governement is having an ”alternative” reading of their constitution and they start to increase their operation worldwide, but they can’t go too far without risking some legal problems unless they succeed at changing their constitution. They only spend 1% of their GDP on their military, which is low compared to the world average of 2.1%. And technically they don’t have aircraft carrier, but they push they stretch that definition more and more. They have two 27,000 tonnes helicopter destroyer, that is currently only operating helicopter, but it was redesigned a Multi-purpose operation destroyer when it was announced that they would operate the F-35B fighter. This is really an aircraft carrier in every aspect but in name.

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