How is light considered “electromagnetic” radiation, What does it have to do with electromagnetism?


How is light considered “electromagnetic” radiation, What does it have to do with electromagnetism?

In: Physics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electricity and magnetism are two things that humans think of as being separate, only because we’re very big and not very smart.

If you work out all the mathematical laws, and zoom down very small, these concepts are really two sides of the same coin. How exactly they’re connected is expressed in mathematics, so I won’t try to use words here. Just know that they make up electromagnetism.

Packets of electromagnetic energy can travel through space. (again, look to mathematics if you want to know what the packet is “like”) The packet is called a photon. Photons exist at all different “frequencies”, and have different “wavelengths”.

These waves are literally in the air, and can be measured in size. It just so happens that there are two 1/8ths inch holes in your head that let waves of only a certain size in. Your eyes then interprets the slight differences between the waves smaller than 1/8ths inch and your brain sees that as color.

Your brain is measuring electromagnetic waves, using your eyes.

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