how is music able to be unevenly distributed through headphones?


You know when you’re listening to layered music and you hear the drums on your left ear, and guitar in the right ear……seems like I don’t notice this when playing old time music, so I assume it’s something that has to be programed? in. Would this mean it takes longer to produce music today than before the widespread use of headphones?


5 Answers

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My parents have a old vinyl record of a train going from left to right, which demonstrated the stereo effect quite well.

I suspect that recording left and right separately is a lot easier in the digital age. You can edit and synchronise the two streams quite easily, unlike the magnetic tapes they used to use.

But I’ve definitely heard old recordings with stereo, specifically orchestral works, where you can hear violins on the one channel and cellos on the other. I imagine a studio recording might have been more likely to record to a single channel.

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