How is peach flavoring so easily captured in gummies, water, etc, when so many other flavors taste obviously fake?


How is peach flavoring so easily captured in gummies, water, etc, when so many other flavors taste obviously fake?

In: Chemistry

11 Answers

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Not an expert, I just feel very strongly about fruit; here’s what I know. Fruit flavors are caused by alcohols called esters. The overall flavor is a combination of those alcohols, sugars, and acids. Strawberry is a pretty complex flavor, so synthesizing all the molecules to replicate it is very difficult and/or costly, so most strawberry candy, while reminiscent of the fruit, is far too simple and artificial to pass. I couldn’t tell you about peach, it likely is composed of fewer alcohols would be my guess. So, likely fewer molecules would need to be synthesized to taste more like actual peach.

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