How is pirating content so common and illegal yet nobody faces consequences for doing it?


How is pirating content so common and illegal yet nobody faces consequences for doing it?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To add to what DarkAlman wrote.

Even if you face charges it’s very easy to get out of in most countries. This is due to it not being your fault if someone else downloads something illegal through your internet connection. So even if they can prove that for example Inglorious Basterds were downloaded through your internet connection at 6:15 AM on 10. Feb 2012, then they don’t have much of a case against you.

They (some shady law firm) might send you a letter claiming that you owe them 2500,- DKK and they will take you to court if you don’t pay them. Also if you don’t reply within 14 days they will automatically win the case and you will then actually owe them 2500,-. Luckily, such a letter can easily be countered with an email containing some legally sounding words which TL:DR says “Nah man, wasn’t me. And you can’t prove it”. They (still the shady law firm) will then reply with another attempt to scare you, which will say something to the extent of: “you clearly just found a standard response letter online, which is dangerous and you still owe us”. To this mail you then write them “*you* clearly just wrote a standard response to what you claim was a standard response from me, since you didn’t even mention the fact that I Rick Roll’ed you in my last response (hint: remember to Rick Roll them in your initial email to them). And since you haven’t brought up any new evidence I now consider this case closed”. This will now finally stop them from bothering you.

The above is in no way based on real events and has no relation to the actions /u/Brewe. No way Jose. Wasn’t me. so OPUS, you can just shove it up your shady arse (OPUS is the shady lawfirm that I in no way have been in contact with for anything that I did or didn’t do).

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