How is professional porn still profitable these days?


Gone are the days of magazines and DVDs/VHS which is how much people got their pornography.

Here are the days of original amateur porn creators on sites like OnlyFans not to mention all the free stuff out there but despite this the premium porn industry is still booming.

Not that I’m against porn (still enjoy it like most) but what is keeping it alive when there are so many free options out there.

In: Other

10 Answers

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Most people are actually not that good with technology or don’t want to spend time on finding whatever online video gets them off. They go to where they know they can get porn, a professional website or a porn store. Most people who spend money on these things do so because they have an addiction or the money to spare. Also, not everybody has a computer or smartphone. Someone can wank it to porn for cheap without that investment.

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