How is race a social construct?


I know this question sounds incredibly ignorant but i have been trying to understand for some time. My main reason for asking is because if we have dna testing that can show someone’s ancestry is this much % Italian and this much % Korean, how is that a social construct if it’s in our dna?

Please understand I’m not saying race isn’t a social construct, I am just trying to understand how it is a social construct.

In: Biology

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve read some of the answers and I’m not sure if someone else has brought this up, since everyone seems to be focusing on the cultural constructs surrounding the labels.

From an anthropological perspective, the relative difference in your DNA and everyone else in the room has no meaning as to what you are as a human. Mental ability, physical ability, or whatever metric you want to come up with do not deviate in such a way as for labeling you by race to be meaningful.

The only meaning of that label is cultural.

Yes. Their are a lot of differences we can track. Still no meaningful deviation based on genetics from perfectly normal boring human.

Source: I found Physical Anthropology super interesting in college and did a lot of reading on the subject of race and disease.

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