How is something “grounded” (electricity) even though it might not be touching the ground?


I’m thinking the connections in Bluetooth speakers for example or pickups on a guitar. In particular I know audio ports typically have a left/right and a ground wire but if this is in a portable Bluetooth speaker that you’re holding how does the ground work in this case?

In: Physics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electrical ground and neutral are the same thing.

1. But it is directly required only in connections to high energy appliances like fridge, air conditioner, microwaves etc. plugged through the 110V or 220V supply.

2. Other devices like speakers or mouse, that have batteries, don’t have enough energy to give shocks (to people), thus their supply doesn’t have neutrals.

3. Although the small devices with batteries cannot hurt humans, the battery levels are very dangerous for the circuits, because they operate at mV or microvolt levels. Therefore, the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) designers pay special attention to make sure there is a common ground that connects all components. This is necessary to prevent the damage to circuit and the components in case of excess power supply from the source (battery).

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