How is something “grounded” (electricity) even though it might not be touching the ground?


I’m thinking the connections in Bluetooth speakers for example or pickups on a guitar. In particular I know audio ports typically have a left/right and a ground wire but if this is in a portable Bluetooth speaker that you’re holding how does the ground work in this case?

In: Physics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

the ground wire will typically tie into the greater structure of the item.

Even if something isnt touching the ground, the structure of it itself has a pretty decent ability at absorbing and dispersing, to an extent, electrical charge.

For example, when you’re jump starting a car. you attach the two positive terminals on the batteries together, and you attach the negative terminal to the “ground”, or any bare piece of metal in the car.

This is to help prevents sparks because the metal of the car itself can soak up a fair amount of electrons if it needed to.

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