How is the saftey of roller coasters tested?


How are rollercoster saftey standards created and tested for multiple rides holding hundreds/thousands of people a day? How are you able to put so much trust in this sort of engineering?

In: 5

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

in addition to what everyone else has said, a lot of roller coasters (especially in smaller parks) are not unique. There are companies selling “off the shelf” roller coasters, where you basically only need to change the branding (names, colors, etc.). So if there are already 10 coasters of the same type existing, then there most likely is no inherent structural problem with it. Of course installation has to be done right, but that problem is not unique to roller coasters, so you can use generalized standards.

If you now have an actually custom-designed, one of a kind, roller coaster, you have to take a lot more steps to prove that it is safe. This part is already well covered by the other commenters

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