How is viagra able to divert blood flow to a particular part of the body ? and can it be used for other body parts also ?


How is viagra able to divert blood flow to a particular part of the body ? and can it be used for other body parts also ?

In: 58

7 Answers

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Viagra does not send blood anywhere. Your circulatory system is like a series of pipes that are always full of fluid. The pipes get larger or smaller depending on what your body needs to do. Since the pipes must always stay completely full, when a pipe gets larger, more fluid moves into the pipe to fill it.

When you get an erection, the pipes leading into your penis get larger, and the pipes leading out get smaller. That is why you stay erect: There’s more fluid entering than leaving.

There are chemicals in your penis that tell the pipes what size they should be. Viagra bonds to one of these chemicals (cGMP), and keeps your body from breaking it down. There’s now a ton of this chemical in your body telling the pipes leading into your penis to grow, grow, grow!

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