How is water “wasted”?


I always hear that we have a limited amount of fresh water. If I take a shower that is too long, and that water is going into my septic tank and back into the ground, is there any harm besides the energy used in pumping and warming it?

In my instance my house is 100% solar powered and we are on a well and septic- am I “wasting” water by brushing my teeth in the shower?

In: Other

6 Answers

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Many municipal water supplies come from groundwater. If you pump water out of the ground faster than it can be recharged then the level of water in the ground, the water table, drops. Over time and a large enough area this can have a detrimental effect on local ecosystems and agriculture. Also much municipal water is treated, which costs energy, facilities, and money. So if you use more water than you really need, or use water to grow lawns where they don’t normally grow, you are “wasting” resources. Over the long term local water sources could be depleted.

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