How is water “wasted”?


I always hear that we have a limited amount of fresh water. If I take a shower that is too long, and that water is going into my septic tank and back into the ground, is there any harm besides the energy used in pumping and warming it?

In my instance my house is 100% solar powered and we are on a well and septic- am I “wasting” water by brushing my teeth in the shower?

In: Other

6 Answers

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Think of wasting water like wasting anything else. When you discard water without somehow utilizing it, it is waste. Like if you cut a heart out of a piece of paper, the leftover pieces are just waste, unless you use it for something else, like compost. Then it is not waste. So, when you run your faucet and the water goes down the drain without being utilized, it’s wasted. If you let your shower “warm up” before using it to clean yourself then that water is wasted. You could install a recirculating pump to eliminate that waste. Or if you don’t turn off the water when brushing your teeth, that water is wasted. If your toilet runs, wasted water. However, it’s not likely you’ll eliminate all water waste. The key is to find ways to reduce it. What are you out when you’re on a 100% solar system on a well, probably not much. But if you live in an area that wastes a lot of water, that water source may eventually not be able to replenish itself before it runs out of water.

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