How is water “wasted”?


I always hear that we have a limited amount of fresh water. If I take a shower that is too long, and that water is going into my septic tank and back into the ground, is there any harm besides the energy used in pumping and warming it?

In my instance my house is 100% solar powered and we are on a well and septic- am I “wasting” water by brushing my teeth in the shower?

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Water isn’t wasted but a lot of places have limited amounts of available fresh drinkable water, so when people say not to waste water they really mean don’t waste fresh clean water. Yes we can clean water using various equipment but it’s expensive and energy intensive. A lot of people also have to pay for their home water supply. Mine costs like $200 every 3 months.

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