How James Webb Telescope will be able to take pictures of something millions of distance away?


How James Webb Telescope will be able to take pictures of something millions of distance away?

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3 Answers

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Distance does not influence the ability to see, as long as light can reach the camera (or your eyes).

For instance, when looking at the moon, you’re looking at the moon like it was about one second ago, as light from the moon takes about one second to reach your eyes.

When looking at the sun, you’re looking at the sun like it was about eight minutes ago, as light from the sun takes about eight minutes to reach your eyes.

Same principle when looking at stars, galaxies and other far-away objects; time is longer (years, thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years) but nothing prevents your eyes (or a camera) from seeing them if they’re bright enough. But you see them *as they were* when light departed those objects: when looking at something a billion years away, you see it *as it was* a billion years ago.

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