how light can travel at the same time in the smae space than other light?


As I was going to sleep, I see two different light beams going through my window, iluminating two different spots of my bedroom but yet both going through my window at the same time constantly, how does that work? Are they in the same place at the same time? Or are they so fast that I can’t notice they are actually taking turns to come in?

In: Physics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

(Please note: this explanation will trample all over wave particle duality, but… like… they’re 5.) There are two types of basic particles in the world: fermions and bosons. Fermions make up what you tend to think of as “stuff”, think of them like ping pong balls. You can’t have two ping pong balls exist in the same spot at the same time. Bosons, which include photons, which you can think of as ripples in water, can exist in the same spot at the same time. Congratulations! You now understand the Pauli Exclusion Principle! Another cool thing about bosons, is they are the universes way of applying forces on “stuff” (fermions). When two magnets pull or push one another, they are actually exchanging photons.

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