How live and living entities developed from “dead” matter?



In: Earth Science

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

James Tour gave a take about [the origin of life]( The speaker in the link is obviously biased, as well as the publishing entity, but I think he gives a solid description of the problem your asking about as well as difficulty we have in answering it and clearly outlining our car ignorance on the matter.
The issue of life origins is by far the biggest hole in evolution that I can think of. I would love to see some solid evidence or logical arguments for spontaneous biogenesis. Someone here said “like flipping 100 year in a coin in a row, but with billions of years and billions of people working on it.” (Paraphrased). But I’m pretty sure it would be more akin to winning a jackpot lottery 100 times in a row (however,. I have no idea how these probabilities are “measured”)

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