How long does Purell have to be on your hands to fully kill the germs?


If you wash your hands with Purell, then wash your hands with soap and water 5 minutes afterwards, did you wash off/undo the Purell? Just wondering how long the Purell has to be on your hands to kill the germs. Is it possible to wash it off?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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You shouldn’t be “washing” your hands with Purel. Purel is for use when you don’t have access to soap/water. If you just wash your hands with soap/water, you’re fine, if you are washing them properly. (Look up how to wash your hands as a nurse/dr to learn proper handwashing technique.)

Purel is a solution that will kill bacteria WITHOUT the use of water. Rub it on your hands and let it dry. It is only during the drying process that the bacteria dies. Therefore, don’t rinse it off or dry your hands with a towel or you don’t allow the Purel to have a chance to work. Just let them dry naturally, and the bacteria dies as the Purel evaporates.

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