How much energy do low frecuency-high amplitude EM waves have compared to high frecuency-low amplitude EM waves, and how do they affect heat transference between objects?


How much energy do low frecuency-high amplitude EM waves have compared to high frecuency-low amplitude EM waves, and how do they affect heat transference between objects?

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2 Answers

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The *Intensity* of an EM wave, Ie how much energy is in that wave, increases with amplitude

The *Quanta* of an EM wave, Ie the smallest change possible in the energy of that wave, increases with frequency

In the case of blackbody radiation, Ie how an object loses heat through EM waves, both amplitude and frequency* increase with the objects temperature

In the case of how much heat is transferred to an object, it is the intensity multiplied by a factor that depends on frequency, and that factor is very non-linear

*Blackbody radiation actually produces a lot of waves with different frequencies, but higher temperatures produce more waves with higher frequencies

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