how multi-brained animals function?


A leech (Hirudinea) has 32 brains throughout its segmented body. An Octopus (Octopoda) has 9 brains, one for its head and 8 for its arms (legs?).

How do these animals process tasks using multiple brains? It would suck if 3 out of your 8 arms wanted to go find a place to hide while your brain and other 5 arms are actively hunting.

In: 228

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Each “brain” is actually dedicated to some functions. It works just like a computer. For example some software is going to ask for a specific data. It does not care on which memory chip or hard drive that data is stored, it just asks a controller for that data. The controller will check wether the program is allowed to access it, then check which subpart is supposed to have it, then ask the subpart to get it. Then that subpart will locate the data, and maybe it encrypted or compressed it to store more, so it will decrypt and decompress it before sending it back.

The program does not know nor care where the data was, nor if it was encrypted or compressed.

Think of each of these on the chain as “a brain” .

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