how Multiple Sclerosis works/attacks the body. Also what the medication does to help. I’ve been diagnosed with it and it’s a lot to take on when info comes at you in medical jargon.


And before anyone says – yes I know I need to speak to my doctors etc, but I just need a starting point so I can go from there.

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you have a really bad pimple on your skin, the area will swell up and the pimple will sometimes leave a scar after the inflammation has gone away.

If you have MS, a similar thing can happen to certain nerves in the body, or rather the outside myelin layer of the nerves. The scars will block or slow down some of the signals that the nerves would normally transmit, so this may have an effect and how well you can control your muscles or it may interfere with your senses (touch, vision, pain etc.).

Like with pimples, swelling can also occur and cause certain problems by putting pressure on the nerves. The symptoms caused by swelling tend to be more temporary and often go away once the inflammation and swelling dies down. This is similar to your arm going numb because you slept in a weird position. Once you straighten it out and no longer put pressure on the nerves, the numbness goes away pretty quickly.

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