Okay so you have 3 main energy systems, each providing energy for different kinds of activity. Burning any calories is about oxidation/chemical reactions for energy.
You exhale the byproducts. Your breath is like the tailpipe of a car. When you lose weight, you’re physically exhaling it.
– The phosphagen system is used for short, high-intensity efforts (up to 10 seconds) and doesn’t rely on fat, as it primarily uses stored ATP and creatine phosphate.
– The glycolytic system (up to 2 minutes of moderate intensity) breaks down glucose for energy, with minimal fat involvement.
– The oxidative system is used for longer, lower-intensity activities and primarily relies on fat, alongside carbohydrates, for sustained energy production through aerobic metabolism.
When fat is used for energy it is converted into fatty acids which are oxidized in cells or the fatty acids are converted to glucose via gluconeogenesis so that glucose-using things like your brain can burn it.
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