how our brains notice when something has changed?


For example, if I go into my room and something is moved, my brain will unconsciously realize and bring it into conscious awareness that something has changed. How does the brain detect these changes and decide it’s important enough to bring to awareness? What processes are happening when we notice changes?

In: 15

9 Answers

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As already replied sensory input makes the brain detect the change, and sends signals from system 1 to 2 to find reference to known risks. Since system 2 processes are more complex, and hence uses more energy (glucose), than those facilitated by system 1, it’s limited how much time a brain can deal with changes on a daily basis without getting tired and stressed.

This is also the reason to why most people develop systems, so that we don’t have to go search for things we need in our daily life.

85-95% of thinking every day happens in system 1.

Source: ‘Thinking fast and slow’ by Kahnemann

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