how our brains notice when something has changed?


For example, if I go into my room and something is moved, my brain will unconsciously realize and bring it into conscious awareness that something has changed. How does the brain detect these changes and decide it’s important enough to bring to awareness? What processes are happening when we notice changes?

In: 15

9 Answers

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Mostly because it’s your subconscious that’s recognizing it, but also because our brain doesn’t remember ever singled detail (unless you have a photographic memory of course).

Let’s take an example of a dresser. The last time you looked at the top of your dresser, assuming you weren’t *trying* to memorize everything on top of it, the memory that your brain stored isn’t a 1:1 image, but more like a vague blurry image with a sense that there were a few things on top, maybe with more things on the left side than the right.

Now you go back and look at the dresser again, but your brain notices that there are now some more things on the right side and less on the left. Your brain doesn’t know *what* has moved, just that the visual balance has changed.

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