how people make a living from social media


I’ve seen YouTubers that just make videos and stream as a full time “job” and scantily dressed women who use instagram/other as their sole source of income. I have a basic understanding of ads and sponsorships I guess, it just seems crazy that so many 20 somethings can just take photos or make videos and somehow that pays the bills (and then some?).

In: 1

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The majority are poseurs who live off Mummy and Daddy’s money with the illusion of independence

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a matter of “volume”, the more viewers and subscribers they have, the more likely they are to get donations. 1 million subscribers, donating $1, makes $1 million dollars, basically.

Of course, there’s A LOT of competition and the majority of them don’t have that many subscribers. Those who do usually find it a full time job to keep delivering popular content and to keep advertising so that they get more subscribers. Making a quality video isn’t just a matter of sitting down in front of the camera and “rolling”, you have to be somewhat good at acting a script, and more importantly the editing of the raw footage takes quite a bit of effort and time.