how people survive in extreme cold.


how people in extremely cold places can survive? For example, Oymyakon in Siberia regularly gets below – 55°c / – 67°f, and I’m sure we’ve all seen those videos of people throwing boiling water into the air where it freezes instantly. How does blood not freeze? How are mucous membranes and eyeballs not frozen within seconds? How does anybody pee without it instantly freezing?
Obviously people live in heated housing, but how can people go outside/ pee outside without injury? I’ve wondered about this for years, and even more so when I see pictures of animals seemingly frozen in place mid-movement.
Thank you

In: 5357

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I live somewhere that gets sometimes gets weeks of – 40 to – 50 Celsius.

I also work a job that no matter the temperature I have to work outside. Sometimes for 15 min sometimes for a couple hours.

To deal with that type of cold you wear layers. In that type of weather I normally have 3-4 layers on my arms and legs. I have big thick insulated boots and I wear heavy socks. I am always wearing 2 layers of gloves and most likely have a heating pack jammed in them.

The face is the worst but you learn to cover your head and face properly. Surprisingly one of the worst parts is the condensation from your mouth and nose freezing on the mustache or eyelashes. Eye lashes getting frozen together or chunks of ice hanging offa the mustache.

I honestly would rather have -50 weather than +30 weather. I can keep adding layers and take warmup breaks in the cold. In +30 weather I can only hide from the heat in air-conditioned rooms and I hate AC because of how it drys out my sinuses. And I’m only legally allowed to take off so many layers of clothing before the cops get called on me.

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