how people survive in extreme cold.


how people in extremely cold places can survive? For example, Oymyakon in Siberia regularly gets below – 55°c / – 67°f, and I’m sure we’ve all seen those videos of people throwing boiling water into the air where it freezes instantly. How does blood not freeze? How are mucous membranes and eyeballs not frozen within seconds? How does anybody pee without it instantly freezing?
Obviously people live in heated housing, but how can people go outside/ pee outside without injury? I’ve wondered about this for years, and even more so when I see pictures of animals seemingly frozen in place mid-movement.
Thank you

In: 5357

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Those temperatures are usually only for a few days. I live in cold -20 to -40c and windchill can reach -50s

You kinda get used to it and climatize a bit. You stay inside, you dress in layers, you go inside when you have to. Your clothes keep you warm when moving. I would run outside all year -45c and running 15k in the morning.
My biggest fear would be dressing too warm. You sweat and can get dehydrated and then freeze from being wet. Proper clothes and layers helps you out.

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