how sattelites sent to space to take pictures send data back to earth?


I was just reading a book to put my 4 year old to sleep, and there is a part where there is a satellite that took a picture of pluto, considering how far pluto is, how can the satellite send the images back to earth with that distance?

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19 Answers

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You know how you can communicate over a noisy line N as in Nancy, S as in Samuel, and so on. You are essentially trading speed for clarity. They do the same when communicating over long distance. The longer the distance the closer the useful signal to the background (*) noise so it’s more noisy. As the noise increases they compensate by slowing down transmission.

(*) You can’t get rid of background noise because it’s produced by the heat of electronics. They cool down electronics in deep space network antennas cryogenically but there is a practical limit how low they can go.

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