I think a lot of the hard partying was probably exaggerated. Comparatively, a lot of them did party harder than most — after all, someone who’s only tried cocaine once has already done more coke than the average person. But you’ve probably known “hard drinkers” or functioning addicts who’ve “partied” harder than many of these entertainers.
Practically speaking, you can only be incapacitated so much of the time before you’re unable to record an album or perform consistently on stage. And many of those who did party as hard as their reputations suggest actually were known for being unreliable. That’s where you get into your Amy Winehouses and your George “no show” Joneses. A few years back, there was some footage going around Youtube of some particularly terrible Aerosmith performances from the 70s, and yeah, that’s what a truly messy drug addiction looks like.
I remember reading a quote from Mick Jagger where he essentially said as much — basically, we all partied, but you only have so much time to party when you’re constantly playing shows and recording albums. The exception of course would be Keith Richards — and again, functioning addict. Some people are perfectly capable of taking maintenance doses and holding down a job. But how much of that was “crazy partying” and how much of that was just Keith alone in his hotel room shooting up after a show?
Well I can’t really ELI5 in an appropriate way so I’ll just be blunt. As mentioned, drugs make them lean. Even if you don’t have a lot of muscle, having very little fat makes you have defined muscles.
On top of that, have you ever had/heard of “marathon sex”? It’s an insane workout, missionary is one of the hardest too. It’s like doing a plank with hip thrusts. That’s a hell of an ab workout!
Lars Ulrich talked about it on Conan’s podcast.
Basically it’s a lot of work and trying to be as healthy as possible which gets more and more difficult each time around. He spent every day leading up to the latest tour eating tofu and exercising.
Lars is only 60-odd but Metallica shows are pretty high intensity and they’ll often be playing 3 hour concerts multiple days straight.
one of the main factors that hasn’t been exactly stated is that when you’re not eating that much food, or going on fasting periods, our bodies have been programmed to live longer in response so there’s something inherently healthy about that. i remember somebody talking about it on a podcast. they studied rodents i believe to prove it. but usually people don’t want to do that of course (starve themselves) but it comes naturally with the road life early days/years. if they’ve already made it though and are rich, i don’t know.
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