how spam callers leave a message so fast.


Lately I’ve been getting spam calls that are only 1 ring long (I can’t even pickup fast enough to answer them). Then, it hangs up, and immediately there is a 30+ second voicemail available about mortgages or car insurance or whatever. If the ring is half a second and the whole call is only 2-3 seconds, there’s no way they’re actually leaving a 30 second voice message in real time. What is happening? How do they do this, and can I do this to other people?

In: 7

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you have a digital phone line, like an office building might use, you can do a couple of sneaky things that people with “normal” phone lines can’t. Typically you think of an office as one where lots of calls are going to lots of different people at once.

But what if two people in that office called the same (residential) phone number at about the same time? One person would ring the phone, the other *immediately* goes to voice mail. Now what if the caller who was first immediately hung up?

What would that look like from the point of view of the person in the home? And how difficult would it be to have a computer intentionally pull that off? Honestly, it’s easy.

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