how tf does cell division work?


Currently having problems in school because i cannot understand how cell division works, please explain it to me.

In: Biology

3 Answers

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In cell division, the cell that is dividing is called the **parent** cell. The parent cell divides into two **daughter** cells. The process then repeats in what is called the **cell cycle**.

Cells regulate their division by **communicating with each other** using chemical signals from special proteins called **cyclins**. These signals act like switches to tell cells *when to start dividing and later when to stop dividing*. It is important for cells to divide so you can grow and so your cuts heal. It is also important for cells to stop dividing at the right time. If a cell can not stop dividing when it is supposed to stop, this can lead to a disease called **cancer**.

Now, how *do* cells divide?

Depending on the type of cell, there are two ways cells divide: **mitosis and meiosis**. Each of these methods of cell division has special characteristics. One of the key differences in **mitosis** is a **single cell divides into two cells that are replicas of each other and have the same number of chromosomes**. This type of cell division is good for basic growth, repair, and maintenance. In **meiosis** a cell **divides into four cells that have half the number of chromosomes**. Reducing the number of chromosomes by half is important for sexual reproduction and provides for genetic diversity.

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