How the Commodore 64 demo “A Mind is Born” generates an excellent music video, using only 256 bytes of code?


# [Link to Video of Demo](

No, I don’t mean megabytes. The entire program is 256 **bytes**. That’s significantly less than 0.0000003 gigabytes, to generate both the video and the audio. Call of Duty: Warzone, before they optimized the install size, was about **1 billion times** the install size of A Mind is Born. This seems completely impossible to me.

There’s an explanation of the code in the video description, but it’s the *opposite* of ELI5. I was hoping someone here could write up something a bit more accessible.

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They can utilize the built in sound synthesizer in the computer to generate the tones. From there the track is just a series of nested loops with some variables external to the loops with conditions to control when additional sound layers get mixed in. The visuals only take a a couple words (32 bits) worth of data to project individually, and they seem to mostly repeat aside from some effects applied to the overall view. So the data running the actual application could be just a couple dozen lines of code where the music is stored in one 2D array and the graphics are stored in a 3D array, but with pretty basic info about what to display and how to affect that display with some sort if bitmask.

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