how the gaming console fan(s) collect dust while their are spinning rapidly all the time?


how the gaming console fan(s) collect dust while their are spinning rapidly all the time?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Boundary layers. Air is slightly viscous, and this means if air is blowing over a surface, or if a surface is moving through the air, there is a very very thin region right at the surface where the air is “stuck,” and the windspeed is almost zero. If a speck of dust is smaller than this layer, then there isn’t enough airflow to push it off

Anonymous 0 Comments

Amount of dust collected is traceable to the number of CFMs pushed through electronics. Best designed systems move as little air as possible to minimize dust collection. And more no air during the many minutes when electronics are not being used.

How to reduce dust collection? Power off when unused has always been best practice. And not only to minimize dust.

Anonymous 0 Comments

well static electricity what causes shocks when we touch someone or a door handle is present when two rough objects touch and it increases potency the faster the friction is.

well the fans spins at high speeds the air friction and friction at contacts generate a electrical charge.

Basically static electricity on the fans will attract dust and as time goes that dust start to stick more and more and depending on how moist the air is (humidity) it can even clump together into a solid mass.