how the hell do dns server requests work?


how the hell do dns server requests work?

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5 Answers

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DNS is a standard most internet hosts know about.
A DNS client sends a *DNS query* (question) to a configured DNS server and the DNS server will answer.

Although it is mostly used to request the IP address of a host, it is also be used to request certain configuration parameters or additional information. (Example to find out how to route e-mail on the sender side or perform checks wether e-mail addresses are spoofed on the receiving side.)

The DNS server can give you a direct answer, or refer you to another DNS server. (Or deny your request.)
The answers can be dynamic, based on your own IP address (location), etc…

The hostname you type into your webbrowser, wil result in a DNS request to lookup which IP address your browser will connect to.

DNS is a keystone of the modern internet and a lot of automatic configuration things will fail if DNS is not working.

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