How the news makes money?


What are their different streams of revenue?

In: Other

8 Answers

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Both TV and print news rely on a combination of advertising and subscribers.

For TV news like CNN or FoxNews, they get monthly subscriber fees from cable providers. They also make money from selling the commercial spots that run during broadcasts. Local channel news makes money from advertising.

Newspapers make money from ads and print/online subscribers. newspapers used to make most of their profits from advertising like jobs and for-sale classifieds and the circular inserts… in fact they lost money on the subscriptions (cost more to print and deliver a paper daily that they charged) just to have a large customer base for advertisers to reach. The loss of much of that revenue as news has shifted from print to online has hurt newspapers, hence the huge cutbacks in newsrooms in the recent 15-20 years, but especially past 10.

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