how they were able to compromise my phone?


a thief was able to try to break into my bank account and tried to transfer money out. My bank caught it but they said it happened by having a 2FA text message sent to a phone number on my account. But the phone number they said was compromised was one that is a landline, its an old phone number my family has that my parents put on the account when they opened it for me as a kid.

How can a landline get a text message? and even if it was possible to get a text to a landline phone, how would the thief access the code?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If the service allows it, you should move away from SMS based 2FA and instead use an authenticator app. It’s been [deprecated by NIST]( since 2016 for exactly these kinds of reasons – it’s not particularly hard for the message to be intercepted.

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