how transistors become a microprocessor?


So I was wondering how multiple transistors coordinate to become a microprocessor.

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Transistors in digital computing are basically being used as a switch.

Consider 2 switches, both connected to a light bulb. If ether switch is on then the buld bulb is on. This is fundamentally an AND gate.

Another key GATE or logic is NOT. This has only one input and the output is the opposite. Input is ON (1) out out is OFF (0) ,a and vice versa. Think of a light switch mounted upside down – you flip it UP and the Light goes off. This may seem very trivial – but it is valuable.

We use transistors to build other “fundamental” gates. ( BUT with just an NOT and AND – we can build any other logic).

From these logic gates we then build more complex systems, like counters, adders, memory etc.

It becomes complex (state of the art in a CPU is over 40 BILLION transistors)- but the fundamentals are actually pretty basic.

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