Everything I hear how cow farmers need to take care of their stock baffles me more and more how these were able to survive for so long
A cow needs to be milked every certain period to avoid infections, bruising, death
A cow needs help with the birth of a calf, as its sometimes a process which cant be done by a cow itself
A cow builds up gasses in their stomachs, requiring punctures to avoid sickness, death
And not to mention the parasites, specific diets, and maybe some other things I wouldn’t know about
In: Biology
By having horns and being strong and resilient, cows in Europe are descent from Aurorchs and even the female had significant horns and could easily kill most predators. They also travel in packs (around 10 in size) and could be really aggressive, especially if they had calves around.
Just look at animals like a Cape Town Buffalo, Rhino or Hippos and you get a clear idea of what kind of power a wild cow could have.
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