Everything I hear how cow farmers need to take care of their stock baffles me more and more how these were able to survive for so long
A cow needs to be milked every certain period to avoid infections, bruising, death
A cow needs help with the birth of a calf, as its sometimes a process which cant be done by a cow itself
A cow builds up gasses in their stomachs, requiring punctures to avoid sickness, death
And not to mention the parasites, specific diets, and maybe some other things I wouldn’t know about
In: Biology
Cows today are not what the species was thousands of years ago. We domesticated them. That means we selectively bred them to make them more like what we want them to be. We have made them *need* us as a result. This is the usual result of domestication. Sheep are another example, they can straight up die of heat stroke or other issues if they aren’t shorn regularly.
If you want to know what cattle were like before humans, look at water buffalo. And yes, lots and lots of them die in the wild! But enough survive to keep the species going.
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