How were herculean physique’s known a few hundred years ago without gym equipment?


How were herculean physique’s known a few hundred years ago without gym equipment?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The Greeks had gyms, and trainers, back before the current year numbering era. They weren’t as efficient as modern sports medicine, but the average person was mero fit and got more exercise in their daily life.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Today, we pick up and put down heavy objects over and over. In Ancient Greece, they picked up and put down heavy objects over and over. Today, ours are shaped like dumbells and barbells and all that stuff. Back then, it was heavy stones, lumber, carts full of stuff, and the like. Just as effective at building muscle as today’s equipment.

They also did a whole lot of cardio, calisthenics, wrestling, and pugilism to tone that bulk muscle mass down into the familiar Herculean shape, which is the same stuff we do today.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They toiled all day at hard, physical labor. Whereas today we lift weights in a gym, they did it in fields, mines, etc. We lift and run at different times, building cardio. They lifted and carried food home.