How were people in the past able to come to America with literally no money and survive and thrive and some even starting businesses and becoming wealthy? Is that even possible today?


How were people in the past able to come to America with literally no money and survive and thrive and some even starting businesses and becoming wealthy? Is that even possible today?

In: Economics

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This still happens today. A quick google suggests that about 30% of new American businesses are started by immigrants, and at this point an immigrant is twice as likely to start a business than a native-born American.

There’s debate as to why, but one reason might be that, since it might be more difficult to get hired, you find a way to work for yourself. Or maybe that, if you’re living in an underserved immigrant community, there are business opportunities there where needs aren’t being met by (say) national chains.

Being an expat myself, I’m a bit biased towards personality explanations instead. If you’re the type to uproot yourself and go look for opportunities in a new country, you’re also probably the sort to, well, go look for new opportunities in business.

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