Googles not doing it. Blood is carried through our veins but it’s also all over at once like when cut happens and that’s what give us our warmth, colour, nutrients etc. all over
I’m having trouble understanding how this blood is “all over” evenly spread.
The question is do we have free blood that not in veins and arteries? It’s seeming to me like we do???
How does blood “pool” and swell like a foot or a hand but not enlarge the veins and arteries if that’s where it’s carried?
Am I confusing myself?
EDIT!!! Y’all made that made that make so much more sense. So do capalaries end at where your pores begin? Like why you have blood in a popped pimple?
In: Biology
Blood moves through arteries and veins some of which you can see through your skin, however blood ultimately ends up in capillaries which are very small and run through and between nearly all the cells in your body. When you get a small cut most of the time its just the capillaries that were cut.
You should not have ‘free’ blood in your body, that is internal bleeding or near the surface a bruise.
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