Humans have for example, built in flight or fight responses to protect themselves from danger and predators. This is hard coded and I assume, not learnt. Why then do humans have the uncontrollable ability to feel shame or guilt? Are these “modern” reactions or would early man have had these?


Humans have for example, built in flight or fight responses to protect themselves from danger and predators. This is hard coded and I assume, not learnt. Why then do humans have the uncontrollable ability to feel shame or guilt? Are these “modern” reactions or would early man have had these?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We’re social animals. A lot of the emotions we feel are so we fit in with others. Humans don’t do well by ourselves and so we’ve evolved to cooperate with others. Showing shame, guilt, etc tells others that you’re sorry for what you did to them. This then enables the group to carry on.

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