Humans need oxygen to breathe. Plants produce oxygen. How do places (like a desert) with no plants for miles on miles have any life or oxygen?


Title says it all. Just curious as to how there is anything living if there is no plants to give off oxygen. Does other stuff give off oxygen? Is there just enough on the planet in general for it to flow everywhere?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because there is a lot of air in the atmosphere, and some 21% of it is oxygen.

That oxygen its cycled around the world by the complex air currents that make up the weather. So in a desert, you are breathing oxygen that is carried over there by winds from hundreds of miles away.

A majority of oxygen in the atmosphere is made by plankton in the ocean. But if you were to remove all plants and plankton from the earth, we would have enough oxygen to supply 7.5 billion people and the remaining animals for about 370 years. It would be centuries before people would start suffocating and dropping dead just walking around. But nothing would be left alive in the first place by that point because of food chain collapse.

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Title says it all. Just curious as to how there is anything living if there is no plants to give off oxygen. Does other stuff give off oxygen? Is there just enough on the planet in general for it to flow everywhere?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because there is a lot of air in the atmosphere, and some 21% of it is oxygen.

That oxygen its cycled around the world by the complex air currents that make up the weather. So in a desert, you are breathing oxygen that is carried over there by winds from hundreds of miles away.

A majority of oxygen in the atmosphere is made by plankton in the ocean. But if you were to remove all plants and plankton from the earth, we would have enough oxygen to supply 7.5 billion people and the remaining animals for about 370 years. It would be centuries before people would start suffocating and dropping dead just walking around. But nothing would be left alive in the first place by that point because of food chain collapse.

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