This is a example of a lake called Dayang bunting lake in my home country of Malaysia. It’s like a lake in an island surrounded by water. The origin is like a limestone place collapsed and rainfall collected creating a humongous lake. The surroundings are very high and unlikely to flood over. And there’s like fish in the lake. How did the fish get in there. With no input of water into the lake
In: Biology
There are lots of ways.
1: If there was a body of water there in the not too distant past and a cycle of flooding and drying is expected, several species of fish will either burrow into the ground or lay eggs in the mud to lay dormant until seasonal flooding. Probably not relevant in your case but worth pointing out
2: Birds of Prey: Say a predatory bird grabs a fish carrying eggs, and accidentally drops it. If it winds up in the lake, those eggs hatch and now there are fish. Similar but related, eggs designed to latch onto the feathers of waterfoul like ducks, the feathers fall off when the duck is roosting and bam, now there are eggs in the pond
3: People bringing them there intentionally. Requires probably the least explanation
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