I give my credit card info to restaurants who deliver to me without thinking about it, but what’s to stop someone from stealing that info?


Obviously I can dispute charges, but is there any other failsafes that stop this? It just seems so odd that I casually give my CC number over the phone, often including the 3 numbers on the back.

In: Economics

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

* it is a crime
* the punishments are pretty serious
* it is pretty easy to get caught
* you have to do it a lot to make it worthwhile

That last one is the important thing, and applies to many illegal activities. A thief may be able to get away with it once, but that money isn’t going to last long, so they have to do it again and again until they are eventually caught.

With just a stolen number, no CCV or zip code, you have to walk into a store, wave to the camera, buy a bunch of stuff, and try to resell it on eBay to get you a few hundred bucks. That’s a lot of work and leaves a bunch of bloody footprints leading right back to you.

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