I have been hearing for years about how insects and lab grown meat could reduce food emissions. What is holding it back?


I have been hearing for years about how insects and lab grown meat could reduce food emissions. What is holding it back?

In: 7

10 Answers

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They aren’t yet able to produce lab grown meat in sufficient quantities to make it affordable and practical. It also has to be made appealing to the general public.

Insect based protein and Lab grown meat both suffer from marketing problems. Westerners in particularly are obsessed with eating Red Meat (which is arguably the worst for the environment) and find the idea of eating Lab Grown Meat or Insects disgusting.

The dairy industry is also very large and powerful, and facing competition from lab grow meat will likely causing them to launch attack ads and lobbying the government to try to stop or or label it as ‘unnatural’ or try to make it unappealing to consumers.

Lab Grown Meat already has the unfortunate reputation of being slandered as a McPetri hamburger (petri dish) etc.

But as it becomes widely available marketing teams will work their magic with commercials and celebrities and it will start to trend and become more widely accepted.

So long as it looks good, tastes good, is low cost, and gets over the ‘unnatural product’ barrier in consumers minds it can succeed.

Even if lab grown meat only replaces 80% of fast food ground beef, low cost super market meat, and canned meat (like cooked pasta in a can) it will still be a big success.

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