I have long hair – why does it “knot”, and what is the reason it’s so hard to separate when “knotted”?


People with long and short hair can often find themselves wincing when combing their hair, because it’s “knotted” and pulling on their scalp.

Generally speaking, most of us would “power through” to separate the “knot”. But, what causes it? And, how exactly has it “knotted”?

Does hair want to tangle, for example, or is it that hair is trying to form a cohesive bond with other strands (I.e do dreadlocks play some part in this?)

I’d be interested to know. Hopefully there’s been some study into this sort of thing (knot theory? 😅)

In: 10

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You just need to keep a clean edge on it and it won’t tangle as much. Get your stylist to trim off the uneven ends (about 1/8 of an inch) every six weeks. Work with mine!

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