I have no clue what a flight or fight response is


Like is it a reaction? Do you want to start fighting when it happens? When does it usually happen? Why is there a “flight” in there? Where are we going?

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9 Answers

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Let’s say you’re walking in the woods and a bear suddenly surprises you and growls. At this moment you’re startled, you might feel a sudden sinking feeling in your stomach. Adrenaline Your heart starts racing very fast, your breathing picks up, sending more oxygen to your muscles. your brain goes into overdrive as you run through scenarios of what to do faster than you can even recognize the thoughts. All of this happens to fuel your fight (defend yourself against the bear) or flight (get away from the bear). Also I’m just using this as an example, don’t fight a bear, and don’t run. Make yourself seem bigger and yell trying to scare it off. An interesting note is that sometimes panic attacks are experiences when a person goes into fight or flight with no obvious or perceived threat. You can literally be doing an every day activity or nothing at all and go into fight or flight. It’s rare but common among people who experience panic attacks.

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