I have no clue what a flight or fight response is


Like is it a reaction? Do you want to start fighting when it happens? When does it usually happen? Why is there a “flight” in there? Where are we going?

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9 Answers

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It’s how we respond to threats and there’s actually two other options as well: Freeze and Fawn.

When you perceive you are being attacked in any way, do you:

Fight: get angry, scream. Throw punches. Make threats. General aggressive behavior

Flight: try to escape the situation in any way possible. I.E. leave the room, end the relationship, run away, etc

Freeze: you don’t know how to respond. You get overwhelmed and executive functions like logic, planning, and memory recall become very difficult. Like a deer trapped in place by headlights.

Fawn: people pleasing behaviors to try to stop the attack. Ex: Excessive apologies, begging, self deprecating, complimenting.

[here’s an overview](https://www.simplypsychology.org/fight-flight-freeze-fawn.html)

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